Tuesday, January 3, 2017

New Year 2017

I have never been one to make resolutions, but I definitely have plans that I would hope to complete this year.
1) Riding my own three horses. - I ride horses all the time at work, but this year I have different goals for each of the horses.

  •  Java - I took my first lesson on him this week. He is so incredibly green that I always felt it wouldn't be worth it. We had a great lesson though! We did a ton of trot work, worked on his canter (which was my biggest concern, he has only cantered 5 times before with a rider.) He was a good boy, but I think he thought he was going to die, that was just to much work! So my goal for him this year is to get him going well W/T/C, Maybe even showing at the end of the year. We'll see!
  • Pepsi - I want to get her going with a bit more english collection. She is a western pony through and through and will hold herself with loose reins, but hates contact. I want to really work on this, as I have just kind of rode her like a western pony in the past. 
  • Addie - I will be happy if I can even keep her sound enough to ride this year! I have started her on Adequan and so far her attitude has improved, so I am hoping for the best. 
  • Ride at least two of them twice a week!
2) Riding Dazzle at least twice a week. Shouldn't be to much of a challenge, but I get overwhelmed easily. 
3) Go on more trail rides, or fun shows where there is no pressure for the horse or me to get a blue ribbon. I just want to have fun and learn to enjoy taking my horse on the road again! I wouldn't mind signing up for the AQHA riding log thing. (I never remember what they call it.)
4) In general I would love to ride 3-4 days a week and just enjoy my horses again.

Of course I have some non-horse related things I would like to do, but I think we can stick with that here. 

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