Tuesday, December 1, 2015

This Past Year

I have had a super busy year between work and showing. I was actually very relieved when the show season was over. One less thing to worry about!
I had a really great time showing though. I rode a horse from work that we call Dazzle. We had our moments where I definitely wondered why I was showing him, but all in all I think it gave me a great experience while also making me a better rider.

I also did halter for the first time. It will be interesting to see how the year end awards pan out here.
This was the only area of showing that we were really competitive... Under saddle we struggled a bit. He had never been shown under saddle, and was a bit green in general. He was trained very differently then I learned. I have always asked for the canter when the horse has a nice bend to the inside, but he was trained only to pick up the canter with haunches in. At the beginning of the year he had no right lead canter. By the end of the season we would get the right lead canter 100% of the time at home... But about 70% in classes. That was most likely me most of the time, if I knew he was acting fiery I would tense up because he is more likely to explode on his right lead. =]

Since he was bred to be a halter horse, and was a stallion for 9 years, he struggled with extreme stiffness. We spent a lot of time bending and stretching, trying to loosen up. He hasn't been able to hold a great frame for an extremely long period of time, but he did to the best of his ability which is all I can really ask for. He isn't really the most pleasurable horse to ride. I like to say his canter is like riding a pogo stick. His owner hates his trot because she rides western pleasure, and he has a lofty trot. But I am so used to english horses that I didn't mind his trot to much.

Overall this year was a lot of fun. I am looking forward to riding one of my horses next year though. Riding a challenging horse is a good thing, but I think my horses have their own set of challenges and I am excited to start exploring that!

Sunday, November 29, 2015

24 Things

Mares or Geldings and why:
I think I may fall a bit in the minority when I say I am a mare person. I love my fiery girls! I also really do truly believe that mares will do anything for you when you have earned it. That being said, I am around many geldings that I also love. But mares hold a special place in my heart. 

Green Broke or fully broke?
I really do enjoy both. Sometimes its really nice to get on a well broke horse that doesn't need a training session. But I do enjoy riding a green horse that I can work with. I think that when a green horse finally understands something that you have been working hard on, gives you a wonderful feeling!

Would you own a hotter breed?
I own a thoroughbred mare, and I have owned an Arabian (And find myself on my friends Arabians regularly). So yes I would, and I would do it again! Except maybe not another arabian...

What was your dream horse growing up?
When I was a kid I only dreamed of owning a horse. I don't remember even focusing on color, or breed. I just wanted the horse!

What kind of bits do you use and why?
I use a full cheek snaffle on Addie, and Java. I ride Pepsi in a french link snaffle when we are practicing. I do use a curb bit when we show western, but we rarely ride in it unless we are practicing for a show. Since Pepsi primarily responds to leg and body I also ride her bitless or bridleless whenever we just go for a ride.

Helmets or no helmets?
When I was growing up my dad wouldn't let me do anything without a helmet if it involved a moving object. (Bike, horse, 4wheeler...)So I really just got so used to wearing a helmet that I would automatically grab one when we would ride. After seeing one of my close friends get a TBI from falling from her horse with no helmet I just tell myself "better safe than sorry." However, I don't wear my helmet every ride, like I probably should. 

Favorite horse color?
I LOVE a deep blood bay. I also think any color with dapples can be gorgeous. 

Least favorite horse color?
I am not a huge fan of chestnuts... Which is kind of interesting considering my two current horses are chestnut!

Dressage or Jumping?
While I like jumping, and think it can be great fun, I think Dressage is my favorite. I love to jump on a good horse, but I still think some jumps can be intimidating. Dressage will always hold a special place in my heart. I love the connection I feel with my horse and I think dressage is a good start for any horse. 

How many years have you been riding?
As long as I can remember, but 15 years in lessons. 

Spurs, whips or no?
I use spurs occasionally, but whips are not something I usually use. I don't use either on a horse if I am just riding and they listen to my leg, and body aids. I do however, use spurs if I am riding a horse that has been able to get away with not responding promptly. 

Your first fall?
I still laugh about my first fall. I was riding a friends arabian and we were trotting through the pasture when fifty feet away a frog jumped into the pond. The horse spooked and bucked, I flew over his head and landed on my feet with the reins in my hand. I don't think I could do that again if I tried!
I always learn a lot from falling. This year I showed the season with a horse I work with. He is a big halter horse that will never be a show stopper undersaddle, but we managed. He struggles with his right lead so I was being DUMB and looking down concentrating, while asking for him to canter on the right lead. (We were at the first show in our first class) We went by the open door and something spooked him, he bolted sideways and bucked and I stayed right where I was. I laughed about that! I told my friends that the show season could only get better from there! But really... I shouldn't have been looking down.

When was the last time you rode?
I rode on Wednesday of last week. Since then its been freezing rain!

Most expensive piece of tack you own?
I have bought almost all of my saddles used. I spent $150 on my kar Niedersuss dressage saddle because someone had no clue what it was. Best money I have EVER spent! 

How old when you started riding?
I can't even remember! Lessons started when I was 7. 

Leather or nylon?
I love leather! I am not a huge fan of nylon when used for tack. I do use Nylon halters though, for turnout and such. I have leather halters for showing, etc.

Leather or synthetic?
Again, I really love leather. Having said that I must say that my synthetic Tekna fits my thoroughbred better than any of my leather saddles, so I almost always choose to ride in it when I ride her. 

English or Western?
I really like both. I think English will always be my go to, but this year I was given the oppurtunity to ride a Spur stop trained western pleasure horse in a couple of shows. It was so different, but I do see the appeal. I ride my quarter horse western in shows and on trails and we have a good time. I really like anything. I showed Halter for the first time this year, and the horse I showed did awesome and we did very well! I would probably do it again. 

How many horses do you currently own/lease?
I own 2 and my sister keeps hers with mine. I also work with 7 other awesome horses that I consider part mine. =]

Do you board your horses? Full, Half, Home?
I keep mine at home. I love to be in charge of every aspect of their lives! I do wish we had an indoor like with the horses I work with. That would be awesome!

Have you ever put down a horse you loved?
My arabian broke her leg while getting her teeth floated. (Freak accident.) We made the decision to put her down because she was bleeding everywhere, and the bone had shattered. I was unfortanely not allowed in with her... 
We also had a 35 year old Tennessee Walking horse that was the best old man. He had a stroke one winter and never fully recovered. The next summer he let us know it was time and we put him down. 
Both times have been hard for me. Its hard to lose something that holds such a HUGE place in your life. 

How many saddle pads do you own?
4 western
And... umm.... 27 english... I have a terrible obsession. 

Slant load or straight load?
I prefer slant just because my thoroughbred is a terror to load in a straight load. I own a slant/stock combination and I love it. I can leave it open if I need to, or use it as a slant with multiple horses. 

Why do you ride?
I can't even imagine my life without my horses.

Friday, February 6, 2015

BCS Winter Photo Challenge

I always love to read the BCS blog. I wish I could make tack for my Breyers! This blog makes me dream for the resin Breyers as well, unfortunately I am only able to afford original Breyers. My real horses get any spare money that I may have. =]
I don't have many neat Breyers, so most of my pictures are the much larger, breathing horses.


I am not sure what the grey arabian is doing in this picture... he wasn't meant to be. I meant to include a different horse!


 Scale Issues

Java, the Hackney Pony, trying to figure out what the Breyer Hackney Pony is.

 I see Spots

Unbridled Passion

Rare Breed

The "rarest" breed there is!
Pepsi is the best horse ever!

This is the best I've got...

The Great Outdoors

Best in Show
Because this counts right!?

And just for fun... a picture of Ben and Jerry. They were the best rats ever! When else will I get the chance to put up a picture of my rats? =]
